COPA Events


Learn more about the events and meetings organized by the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance. To register for any of the listed events, please fill out the registration form below each description. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about upcoming events.

Upcoming COPA events and meetings are listed in the calender below


22 October 2024
English Online Meeting

COPA Pilot Report : Refrigerant Recycling in China's Automotive Maintenance Industry
Presentation of COPA Pilot for refrigerant recycling & Baseline methodology from automobile Air Conditioners in China!

09:00 CET - 11:00 CET

In Guangzhou in southern China, COPA conducted a pilot activity to estimate the HFC emission reduction potential from standardized recycling processes in the automotive repair industry.  The research and activities from the pilot are summarized in a report, which will be presented. Welcome!

The research work was led by the China Automotive Technology Research Center (CATARC) in close collaboration with the Harson Group, who implemented the pilot data survey and training in one of their automobile repair shops. Based on data collected during the pilot, a methodology was developed by Heat for calculating the emissions baseline for passenger cars serviced in the pilot workshop and the Guangzhou metropolitan area, as well as estimated the potential emissions reductions from different mitigation scenarios. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to:

  • - Learn about the challenges & best practices for MAC refrigerants recycling of HFC
  • - Realize the full emission reduction potential from HFCs in MAC in South China
  • - Breeze the Emission Baseline Methodology
  • - Ascertain lessons learned from the pilot
  • - Discuss with experts from the COPA pilot

To receive an Outlook invitation for the session, please write an E-mail to the COPA Secretariat: