
The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance brings together partner countries and members across private and public sectors to advance the holistic solutions needed to sustainably manage and reduce ODS and HFC banks.

By joining COPA, members and partners gain access to a global network of knowledge and resources. Match-making between members for technology and solution exchange is enabled and a flexible array of services provided. COPA is open to all countries and organisations, willing to support the global shift to sustainable refrigerant management and closing the loop to a circular economy in the cooling sector. 

By advancing holistic solutions to reduce ODS and HFC banks, COPA promote a global shift to sustainable refrigerant management, while helping parnter countries and members to access funding and support needed to enact mitigation measures. 


“The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) represents a significant step in facing the critical challenge of managing the end-of-life ODS and HFCs and offers a framework for concrete and coordinated action by a broad range of stakeholders.”

Ajiniyaz Reimov, Programme Specialist at UNDP’s Montreal Protocol and Chemicals & Waste Management Unit


Our Motivation:

To stay abreast with the latest development on the issues related to the end of life of refrigerants and cooling equipment, connect the dots to be able to inform the parties timely and effectively.

About Us:

The Ozone Secretariat is based in Nairobi, Kenya, housed within UNEP. It is the administrative office for the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Both play a major role in protecting the ozone layer and reducing the size of its hole and climate mitigation. The Ozone Secretariat organises conferences and meetings for the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol, manages the implementation of decisions, provides stakeholders with data and information on controlled substances and activities to implement their phase down and phase out. 

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework
Our Motivation:

The management of refrigerants and foam blowing agents throughout their entire lifecycle is an important aspect to reach targets under the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Agreement. The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) represents a significant step in facing the critical challenge of managing the end-of-life ODS and HFCs and offers a framework for concrete and coordinated action by a broad range of stakeholders. Therefore, UNDP is interested to work with other COPA partners to support the developing countries in strengthening their systems for the reduction of ODS and HFCs banks emissions.

About Us:

UNDP supports developing countries to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN’s development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP is one of the Implementing Agencies of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Since 1991, UNDP’s Montreal Protocol programme has proudly partnered with around 120 countries supporting their obligations under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. UNDP implemented pilot demonstration projects on ODS waste management and disposal in Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Georgia, Ghana, India. In 2021, UNDP organized a webinar series “Closing the loop: environmentally sound management of end-of-life ODS and HFC”.

 Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Recycling Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling RAC Manufacturing
Technician Training Policy Regulations
Formulating emission mitigation targets Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Financing Mechanism Carbon emission trading

COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism
Our Motivation:

The absence of regulations on the disposal of waste equipment, foams and products containing ODS and HFCs represents a significant gap in international regimes for the protection of the climate and the ozone layer. UNIDO considers that COPA  can be used as a Global Platform to develop a common understanding on the management of ODS banks, overcoming the barriers to the management, by promoting homogenized regulation, identifying funding sources, addressing limitation in the value chain of RAC equipment and end-of-life practices, including circular economy.

About Us:

UNIDO enjoys wide recognition for its work as an Implementing Agency to the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. UNIDO is recognized for preparing and appraising investment project proposals and implements phase-out schedules at plant level. Moreover, UNIDO possesses diverse, comprehensive in-house expertise, essential to achieving the goals of the Kigali Amendment and the Paris Agreement. UNIDO plans, develops and implements national and sector-wide ozone-depleting substances (ODS) phase-out plans in developing countries to ensure their compliance with the MP and has the biggest portfolio of related technical assistance: 1,340 MP projects have been completed over through the Multilateral Fund, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and through bilateral contributions

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/ Destruction       Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Research and Development   Technician Training
Policy Regulations  Formulating emission mitigation targets
Measurement, Reporting and Verification    Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions
Our Motivation:

Old appliances containing ODS and HFC substances represent a blind spot when it comes to climate action. At the same time this sector carries a huge cost-effective and sustainable mitigation potential. Therefore, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs initiated the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA).

Our Motivation:

As GIZ, as a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. We have over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The Refrigeration and Air-condition sector is a massive greenhouse gas emitter. This is due to appliances that are not energy-efficient and the high global warming potential of commonly used refrigerants. Many air conditioners and refrigerators contain substances which are up to 15,000 times more harmful to the climate than CO2. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure that these substances known as hydrofluorocarbons and ozone depleting substances banks are recycled and/ or disposed of in a manner that avoids potential emissions. Achieving a holistic protection of the ozone layer, the environment and climate is what motivates GIZ to be involved in creating the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) in cooperation with UNIDO and UNDP.

About Us:

GIZ Proklima has been promoting the wider use of green cooling technologies since 1995 in an attempt to break this vicious cycle. These technologies run on natural coolants which neither harm the environment nor the climate and are exceptionally energy-efficient. Based on the Montreal Protocol (MP) and its Kigali Amendment, Proklima intends to gather an international community committed to eliminating ozone-depleting gases and reducing the use of climate-damaging substitutes.  At the same time, Proklima plays a role in meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Proklima supports projects co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. This creates valuable synergies which contribute to climate-friendly and environmentally friendly cooling technologies in over 40 countries. GIZ Proklima is hosting the COPA Secretariat.

 Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Transport of Refrigerants Research and Development
Technician Training Policy Regulations
Formulating emission mitigation targets Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Financing Mechanism  


* Please note that COPA provides advisory services exclusively in the areas listed above.  |
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework
  • Technology Solutions
  • Financing Mechanism 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

Addressing ODS and HFC banks represents a massive but time limited opportunity to increase the climate benefits of the Montreal Protocol, consistent with a 1.5ºC warming scenario. Substantial HFC banks are expected to persist after completion of the HFC phase-down. EIA is a member of COPA as it represents the most effective global strategy to address significant greenhouse gas emissions from accumulated ODS and HFCs in banks of equipment and products.

About Us:

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) investigates and campaigns against environmental crime and abuse. EIA’s climate campaign aims to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by strengthening and enforcing regional and international agreements that tackle climate super-pollutants, including ozone depleting substances, hydrofluorocarbons and fossil fuels, and advocating corporate and policy measures to promote sustainable cooling.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Research and Development Policy Regulations
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • COPA Core Group 
Our Motivation:

The main motivation of NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related to the global demand for refrigeration and air conditioning. Taking into account the Montreal Protocol’s Kigali Amendment, FCT NOVA want to replace highly climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants with more sustainable solutions.

About Us:

The NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) is one of the three largest and most prestigious schools of Engineering and Sciences in Portugal. FTC NOVA was part of the consortium of KET4F-Gas project, co-funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme, aiming at reducing the environmental impact of fluorinated gases (F-gases) through the development and implementation of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). Now, FCT NOVA is part of the LIFE-4-Fgases, funded by the European Commission through the LIFE programme. This project aims at applying at real environment a novel hybrid approach, previously developed in KET4F-Gas, to selectively recycling F-gases, contributing to a circular economy for refrigerants and thereby reducing the GHG emissions.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Research and Development
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions 
Our Motivation:

At A-gas we believe that no kilogram of refrigerant, once manufactured, should be allowed to find its way into the atmosphere.  To achieve this purpose we actively pursue circular economy principles through the implementation of Lifecycle Refrigerant Management (LRM). This encourages the complete recovery of all used refrigerants from the installed bank. These should be reclaimed for future re-use thereby avoiding the need for virgin production and where no further re-use is possible then these need to be safely and efficiently destroyed.   

About Us:

A-Gas has grown over its thirty-year history to become the largest refrigerant recovery and reclamation company in the world. Our services start with collecting used refrigerants directly from site and or arranging complex international shipments to get these to one of our specialist refrigerant processing facilities.  We reclaim all used refrigerants to the AHR 700 (virgin) quality standard and can work with single or complex refrigerant mixtures through our unique fractional distillation technology. When and if the refrigerants have no further re-use potential, these are destroyed  via our proprietary plasma arc based destruction technology.     

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Recycling company
Collection of RAC and Refrigerants Transport of Refrigerants
Research and Development Technician Training
Policy Regulations Formulating emission mitigation targets
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions 
Our Motivation:

CHEAA think that the COPA is a platform to exchange the information on climate and Ozone areas and to encourage the cooperation of related industries and organizations to use environmentally friendly technologies. CHEAA has worked in this area for several decades, so we are very honored to become a member of COPA.

About Us:

CHEAA is a non-governmental, not-for-profit industry association for home appliance manufacturers in China with a history of more than 30 years (established in 1988). Currently, we have a membership of more than 400.CHEAA provides the industry players with leadership and advocacy. Under its umbrella, there are 13 committees centered on a wide spectrum of products. With meetings convened biannually, they assemble topleaders and core engineers of industry players to look at their shared concerns.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing
Our Motivation:

At Tradewater, we believe that the destruction of refrigerant gas at end of life is the best and most impactful solution for preventing these potent greenhouse gases from entering our atmosphere. ODS and HFCs have had an outsized negative impact on our climate over the last 50 years and addressing them at the necessary scale today gives us more time to transition to a low-carbon global economy. We are pleased to be a member of COPA, a group of diverse stakeholders who share the common goal of protecting the environment and fostering solutions for ODS and HFC banks. We believe that by working collaboratively, we can maximize our efforts to prevent catastrophic climate change.

About Us:

Tradewater is a mission-based B-Corp based in Chicago and operating around the world to prevent catastrophic climate change through the collection, control, and destruction of potent non-CO2 greenhouse gases. We find, collect, and destroy halocarbons (including ODS refrigerants and halons, and HFCs) around the world to prevent the harmful climate and ozone depleting effects that would result from their emission into the atmosphere. Notably, Tradewater is able to successfully fund this critical work by leveraging the carbon offset market. 

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

 Refrigerant Production/ Destruction                                                                                        Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling            
Collection of RAC and Refrigerants                                        Transport of Refrigerants 
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
Our Motivation:

We share the belief that refrigerant management is a significant blind spot. Not only in the climate conversation, but also the wider impacts on biodiversity and pollution. We’ve seen first-hand the effects of poor refrigerant management on excessive energy use, safety and food loss and we bring expertise in addressing these areas. Improving end-of-life handling is a critical area of work, as is reducing emissions and unwanted by-products from across their manufacture, distribution and operational use. We are involved in COPA to help build greater awareness of the environmental impacts through all stages of the lifecycle, and to work on practical solutions.  

About Us:

Veridien provides advisory, training and technology for life-cycle refrigerant management. We offer services and software for refrigerant and f-gas inventories, emissions reporting and IoT-based leak mitigation technologies. We place a strong focus on using natural refrigerants to avoid increasing fluorinated refrigerant banks, and work with partners to ensure all refrigerants are correctly managed at end-of-life. We serve clients of all sizes and sectors with a particular focus on S.E. Asia and Europe.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Technician Training Policy Regulations
Formulating emission mitigation targets Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Financing Mechanism other: Leak management and mitigation
COPA Working Groups:
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
Our Motivation:

Solving refrigerant emissions will require a team approach across the public sector, multilateral institutions, NGOs, and the private sector. We're excited to meet, partner, and share learnings with other great organizations of all kinds around the world to push forward our mission of empowering sustainable cooling.

About Us:

Recoolit mitigates climate change by preventing refrigerant emissions. Our technology incentivizes and supports AC technicians around the world to keep these superpotent greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. We work with partners to safely & efficiently collect, transport and destroy harmful waste gases, and then sell carbon credits for the prevented emissions.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Technician Training
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Technology Solutions                 
Our Motivation:

Enviroserve was borne out of a spirit of pioneering entrepreneurialism to challenge issues and provide solutions to opportunities. Refrigerant is where Enviroserve started 21 years ago, and it is where it solidly remains as a key deliverable to clients and countries in which we operate. Solutions to the global environment are needed, more and more, and Enviroserve stands strong to deliver and support that critical agenda.

About Us:

We have dedicated services in recovery and reclaim of refrigerant as well as E-Waste Recycling, Brand Protection, ITAD and ITAM and Consultancy Divisions.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/ DestructionRefrigerant  Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Recycling company Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Measurement, Reporting and Verification
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

Refrigerant Reclaim Australia joined COPA to share our 30 years’ experience in establishing and operating a Product Stewardship Scheme for the end-of-life management and safe destruction of Ozone depleting and Synthetic Greenhouse gases.

About Us:

Refrigerant Reclaim Australia is a not-for-profit organization responsible for safely destroying contaminated, surplus and unwanted ozone depleting and synthetic greenhouse gas refrigerants in Australia

 Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions
Our Motivation:

Zeal Environmental Technologie’s main goals as company is to help anyway we can to mitigate the various environmental challenges we face today on this planet. We know COPA is one of the organizations we can partner with to help us achieve this goal of using best methods and environmental technologies to alleviate modern and complex environmental issues.

About Us:

Zeal Environmental is an industrial waste management company serving oil, gas and maritime commerce in West Africa. The industrial process plant is based in Takoradi, Ghana. Our service areas are: Industrial waste water and contaminated hydro carbons, solid wastes like muds and soils which are deemed hazardous e-waste. We are experienced in transboundary waste management. Please go to the website to see the full scope of our services.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Recycling company
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

The Frankfurt School is motivated to contribute to sustainable development through financing approaches for solutions to ODS and HFC bank management. The team at Frankfurt School combines an in-depth knowledge of finance markets, particularly in developing and emerging countries, with extensive skills for the design of appropriate financial mechanisms and contractual arrangements for financiers under local conditions. The Frankfurt School takes a unique approach towards combining research and expertise to finance the transition towards a greener, climate-resilient future that enables societies to prosper. Together with partners in different well-respected institutions, the Frankfurt School elaborates and field-tests new financial instruments, products and services.

About Us:

Frankfurt School’s UNEP Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance is a “think-and-do” tank combining research, education and project advisory and implementation. The vision is to support the transformational changes needed to transition towards a clean and sustainable world – a world driven by low-carbon economic development and led by environmentally conscious, empowered, and enabled communities and businesses. Frankfurt School supports this change via strategic and financial advisory services to financial sector stakeholders for the delivery of innovative, smart, and sustainable solutions. Example of relevant projects include IKI Cool Me and IKI Morgenstadt.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management 

Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
Our Motivation:

We are an organization committed and concerned about environmental care. We continually look to improve our process and services through programs that reduce emissions and use of refrigerants; we have developed through time technical expertise on producing, reclaiming, and destroying refrigerant gases and now have adopted the circular economy as a key process in our organization, contributing significantly to having a better and cleaner environment.

About Us:

Quimobásicos is a Joint-Venture company between Cydsa (51%) and Honeywell (49%) to produce fluorinated refrigerant gases for applications in refrigeration, air conditioning, foaming, propellants, pharma and fluoropolymer segments in Mexico and Latin America since 1961. We are a company committed to caring for the environment and the only chemical company in Mexico that has two Environmental Excellence awards granted by the Federal Government.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management 

Refrigerant Production/ Destruction Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Technician Training Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Technology Solutions 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

One of our corporate values is responsibility. We are aware of our impact in the world and strive to affect positive, long-lasting progress. Every member of the Güntner team takes responsibility for their actions – big and small. We are focused on achieving the outcomes we need, but in the right way. Through decisions and progress that create positive impact. Therefore, working together with associations like COPA, can align with our values and our sustainability efforts; making a positive impact in the refrigeration industry.

About Us:

Based in Germany, with 100 years of experience, provides natural refrigerant alternatives, as well as all the know how of its benefits to the industry consumers and end users. Together with the academy and associations, we are in the journey for a better future.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing Research and Development
Others: Controls for Energy and Water saving
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions 
  • Implementation Models 
Our Motivation:

The SET Alliance is dedicated to mainstreaming the servitisation business model: a catalyst for energy efficiency, decarbonisation and the circular economy. The global Alliance pursues meaningful collaboration and partnerships to help raise awareness of the model and its applications around the world, by bringing experts and innovative organisations that are bringing the agenda of sustainable and clean solutions (including cooling) forward. The SET Alliance focuses on transforming energy-intensive systems such as heating, lighting and cooling, and builds on the work completed by the Cooling as-a-Service initiative supporting the use of lower GWP and natural refrigerants and developing clean and efficient cooling solutions as-a-service. The SET Alliance is governed by a Steering Committee formed by (in alphabetical order) Aston Business SchoolATMOsphereEnergy Partners RefrigerationKAERThe Advanced Services Group, and the University of Oxford, and administered by the Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE), which acts as the secretariat and is responsible for operational tasks.

About Us:

The SET Alliance is a multi-stakeholder platform of experts leading the way to implement the model of servitisation (or pay per use) across markets and industries and providing guidance to organisations interested in adapting servitisation to meet their requirements, and support in overcoming the challenges of putting servitisation into practice. Membership of the Alliance provides access to developed tools, professional development, technical support, and networking, as well as increased exposure in content such as webinars, case studies, and articles related to servitisation and climate driven solutions.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/ Destruction RAC Manufacturing
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Policy Framework 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

Be part of a international working group collaborating with opinions and ideas of our expertise and the difficult that we afront in Mexico for the mitigation of refrigerant emissions, be actualized on the regulations, and roads followed by other countries, to be part of the challenges to reach new technologies.

About Us:

Ecosave is a Mexican company dedicated to the handling of refrigerants we have more than 10 years of experience working for the industrial, commercial sector and companies where we recover refrigerants contained in HVAC equipment, our services are retrofit, recovery, transport, and capture, of refrigerants, we currently capture more than 20 tons of refrigerants per year.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Frameworks 
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Technology Solutions 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

We attend to join world wide network in climate and ozone protection action. We do want technology transfer to our local society related to COPA objectives. Its great chance for local society and international community to connect which other in this subject. We have projects in HCFC replacement, solar refrigeration system, renewable energy. We did a lot of studies and researches in related topics. The aim of COPA joining is to utilized the scientific knowledge in association view with integrated policies. 

About Us:

The scientific dependent society which is related to The ministry of higher education and scientific research in Iraq. The organization deals with various scientific and practical

Research and Development Technician Training
Financing Mechanism Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework 
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Technology Solutions 
Our Motivation:

Clean recovery of refrigerant gases from cold appliances is top 10 most impactful solutions for greenhouse gas reduction, confirmed by 70 researchers. We want to help raise awareness on this issue and be part of the solution.

About Us:

PureSphera is the only Canadian company that offers optimal solutions for dismantling refrigeration equipment and breaking down harmful gases to reduce their environmental impact. PureSphera’s unique technology recovers the maximum amount of harmful halocarbons from refrigerators, freezers and foam insulation. We have reduced GHG emissions by more than 1.8 million tons of CO2eq since our founding in 2008. Our recovery efforts help promote a circular economy. 

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Recycling company
Collection of RAC and Refrigerants Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions 
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

Why are you a COPA member? We are very interested in international cooperation! Ukraine is an associate member of the EU and aspires to join the European community. We want to understand trends, methodology, best examples and take part in pilot projects, in which we can work out the issues of economic and legal motivation of market participants' refusal of harmful refrigerants, control of the use and disposal of these substances, so that our specialists have better knowledge and perform their work with dignity!

About Us:

The Public Union "Refrigerating Association of Ukraine" was created to unite market participants in the refrigeration and climate industry with the aim of developing the economy of Ukraine. The union unites equipment manufacturers, engineering companies, service companies, distributors and institutions of professional professional education of all levels operating on the territory of Ukraine. The public union promotes the development of cold and climate technologies with the use of energy-efficient and ecological technologies. We also pay great attention to training and development of specialists, compliance with environmental issues, preservation of standards of design, production, installation and service of refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment, and heat pumps. We strive for powerful development of the economy and export potential of Ukraine!


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/ Destruction Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Recycling company RAC Manufacturing
Collection of RAC and Refrigerants Transport of Refrigerants
Research and Development Technician Training
Policy Regulations Formulating emission mitigation targets
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

We are members of COPA because as a responsible corporation we aim to give back to society by all means possible. We share the dream of millions of climate activists globally of countering climate change and we believe teaming up with COPA would help us play our part in the movement for global sustainability.

About Us:

Excel Fluorochem Private Limited is an Indian corporation dealing with distributorship of refrigerants. Having received distributorship rights by global refrigerant giant, we are all set to make a grand appearance on the national and international markets. We also owned a refilling plant for refrigerant gas in Gujarat, and it has been proclaimed to be one of the most advanced refilling plants in the country. We boast of a team abundant with unnatural talent and loads of experience in the field of chemicals. Our management team consists of the finest individuals who are exceptionally well known in India’s refrigerant industry.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Transport of Refrigerants Technician Training
Others: Debulking and Distribution
COPA Working Groups:
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

ICAD’s motivation to join COPA is driven by the need for engagement to advance collective action on short-lived climate pollutants across the globe. Malawi as a country is also facing serious challenges as a result of climate change through which short-lived climate pollutants are a key contributor. Joining COPA benefits ICAD’s work on the ground in contributing to addressing this enormous challenge. For example, we are working on promoting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) alternative technologies and standards by ensuring that HFCs and ozone depleting substances (ODS) are completely phased out in Malawi. ICAD also undertakes awareness, private sector engagement and national assessments (research), planning and policy. Ultimately, our work through COPA membership  will contribute to the effective and sustainable refrigerants management in the country guided by an impactful policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks.

About Us:

ICAD (2017) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization and leading think tank that works on Climate, Energy, Water, Agriculture, Social & Safety Nets Accountability and Tracking; Economics, Trade, Extractives and Sustainable Development. Our work supports attainment of ambitious climate action and sustainable development as is required under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) carefully aligned to Malawi’s development priorities extending to Southern African region. ICADs work is achieved through rigorous gender-sensitive policy effectiveness research, capacity building, knowledge and information sharing through meaningful cooperation to advance a development-centered approach to climate change.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Research and Development  Technician Training  
Policy Regulations  Formulating emission mitigation targets 
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
Carbon emission trading
Our Motivation:

Carbon footprint reduction and energy efficiency are at the heart of our value creation model. As a pioneer in the recovery and reclamation of fluorinated greenhouse gases, the concept of the circular economy constitutes the very essence of our brand.

Climalife is accelerating its commitment to an eco-efficient industry by supporting its customers in choosing solutions that have an even lower impact on our ecosystem and is strengthening its position as a leader in working fluids and associated services.

About Us:

The Dehon group has fully supported F-Gas Regulation and the European Green Deal and other related EU climate change and decarbonization initiatives and has continuously worked to ensure their success. 

We have been a key player in HVACR and fine chemical for several decades. As such, it has been and remains at the forefront of players involved in the chlorinated and fluorinated greenhouse gas substitution process with the implementation of Montreal and Kyoto protocols and Kigali amendment. 

Our company has always played a proactive role in the different phases of this substitution by ensuring the promotion of the most effective actions to reduce emissions while continuing to have operator and user safety as a concomitant concern. 

We were forerunners in the implementation of fluorinated greenhouse gas waste recovery and recycling by ensuring thorough monitoring of products until their end-of-life thereafter resulting in the implementation of associated regulation. 

As president of the ADC3R, Climalife has presented the good results of these agreements at OEWG 38 in Vienna in 2016. 

This proactive role is acknowledged by various national and international bodies, (the company is a distinguished contributing member to the Nobel Prize awarded to the IPCC). 


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/Destruction Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Recycling company Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Research and Development Technician Training
Policy Regulation 
COPA Working Groups:



About Us:

HEAT provides expert advice to act globally against climate change and to protect the ozone layer. We provide policy advice on establishing emissions inventories, mitigation pathways and development of international (UNFCCC and Montreal Protocol) and national laws, regulations and standards. We also provide advice on climate finance and Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV) services for the implementation of low emission roadmaps. We provide technical advice for the implementation of mitigation actions. This covers engineering advice for the design and the production of climate friendly products, in particular in the refrigeration, air conditioning and insulation sectors. HEAT provides capacity building and training for the qualification, certification and registration of administrative personnel, educational institutions and service technicians.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing                 Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recovery
Research and Development                         Technician Training
Development of policies for the RAC sector Development of policies for the RAC sector
Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism
COPA Working Groups:
  • Policy Framework
  • Finance Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

In an era where sustainable practices and environmental stewardship have never been more crucial, we at AFS Energy are steadfast in our mission to catalyze change. Our financially oriented history allows us to introduce a network of partners to the COPA community that deepen the distribution channels for carbon credits. Moreover, this newfound distribution channel can act as the financing mechanism for the communities’ future initiatives.  

About Us:

At AFS Energy, we proudly stand at the forefront of the sustainability and renewable energy landscapes, demonstrating over a decade of unwavering commitment. We bring together an exceptional team of specialists dedicated to aiding a broad spectrum of industries in their decarbonization efforts, from refrigerants to aviation and beyond. Guided by a discerning economic perspective, we facilitate our partners' entry into carbon- and energy markets. This strategic approach allows us to craft bespoke climate solutions, uniquely tailored to the needs and ambitions of each partner we work with.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/ Destruction                       

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling

Measurement, Reporting and Verification

Financing Mechanism 

Carbon emission trading
COPA Working Groups:
  • Finance Mechanism 
  • Implementation Models
About Us:

Geocycle is a company active in more than 70 countries, member of Holcim, a Swiss company. Geocycle provides services for the preparation, collection and treatment of waste up to their final recycling/recovery in clinker kilns.

 Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling​
Our Motivation:

Vinotech is an active technology group in HVAC industry, as the climate issue is getting crucial, it is our responsibilities to do more in this field for global sustainability.

Our mission is to create a sustainable and delightful environment for the world by continuously invest in cutting-edge technologies in the HVAC industry to provide environmentally friendly products to customers. Working together with COPA will assist us to making a positive impact in the HVAC industry.

About Us:

Vinotech is innovative technology group based in Zhuhai, China, specialized in the HVAC industry with full chain capabilities, includes R&D in product and system, manufacturing, sales and technical services.

In 2014, Vinotech set up Samyou Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. mainly focusing on HVAC product development and manufacturing. Our main products include residential & commercial air conditioners, heat pumps, ventilation systems, air purification and heat recovery. We also provide customized intelligent solutions for special needs. Currently our products have been sold to over 20 countries and regions. 

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing Research and Development
Our Motivation:

Our work in the RAC sector has been ongoing for the past 13 years. Our aim is to acquire more knowledge and information by sharing it with others. Our plan to decrease emissions in the RAC sector is how we plan to contribute to COPA.

About Us:

HILLTECH is a technical services provider and consultancy firm. Offering technical support to the home appliance and RAC manufacturing sectors. Main business gives technical support to industrial plant design, equipment selection, sourcing of equipments and raw materials, installation and commissioning, product development and giving production training, process development, quality development etc. to the manufacturing industries.

Our experience includes installing the plant and providing trainings to safely produce HC refrigerant-based RAC products like air conditioners, refrigerators, and other appliances.

Also involved in awareness and training programs to ensure safe handling of HC refrigerants, good practice in RAC service, industrial safety, etc.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing Refrigerant Production/Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Transport of Refrigerants Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Research and Development Technician Training
Formulating emission mitigation targets Others
COPA Working Groups:
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

We believe that scaling refrigerant recovery and abatement efforts globally is one of the best solutions to climate change. Refrigerant emissions abatement is especially important because most refrigerants are short-lived climate pollutants with an outsized near-term impact on atmospheric warming. Thus, to forestall climate tipping points and to buy more time to scale carbon removal technology, mitigating HFCs and ODS must be a top priority.

We are excited and honored to join COPA to contribute to global refrigerant management efforts. We especially look forward to contributing to the development and implementation of more robust financing mechanisms for refrigerant recovery, reclamation, and abatement.

About Us:

The Carbon Containment Lab (CC Lab) is a climate nonprofit based in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. The CC Lab focuses on supporting the design, testing, and implementation of novel and neglected climate solutions, including on mitigating short-lived climate pollutants such as HFCs. The CC Lab's staff consists of former investors, entrepreneurs, PhD scientists, and instructors at Yale University.
Our Motivation:

Elite Hitech Industries Ltd seek to join the COPA to actively participate and contribute to global efforts in combating climate change. Recognizing the pivotal role of the air conditioning industry in environmental sustainability, the company aims to align its practices with international climate goals. By becoming a member of COPA, the company intends to stay abreast of the latest developments in climate policy and technology, fostering innovation and efficiency in its products. Bangladesh, vulnerable to climate impacts, also underscores the manufacturer's commitment to climate resilience and adaptation. Joining COPA reflects the company's dedication to environmentally responsible manufacturing, promoting energy-efficient solutions that align with the global community's shared vision for a greener and more sustainable future.

About Us:

Elite Hitech Industries Ltd, a prominent Bangladeshi air conditioner manufacturer, stands at the forefront of innovation and excellence in the industry. With a commitment to cutting-edge technology, the company has consistently delivered high-quality, energy-efficient cooling solutions. Elite Hitech's product line encompasses a wide range of air conditioners tailored to meet diverse consumer needs, reflecting their dedication to customer satisfaction. The company also prioritizes environmental responsibility, incorporating sustainable practices into its manufacturing processes. Known for its reliability and durability, Elite Hitech Industries Ltd has earned a strong reputation both domestically and internationally. With a focus on continuous improvement and a forward-looking approach, the company remains at the forefront of the air conditioning market, contributing to Bangladesh's industrial progress. 

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

RAC Manufacturing Research and Development
Technician Training Policy Regulations

COPA Working Groups:
  • Financing Mechanism
  • Technology Solutions
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

Energy Changes is interested in developing projects which reduce ODS/HFC emissions and exploring opportunities of accessing climate finance for projects in this field.

About Us:

Energy Changes is a climate and sustainability advisory and project developer based in Vienna, Austria. Since 2006, we have been working towards accelerating climate action, developing projects across the globe which reduce GHG emissions, and helping businesses achieve their climate targets.

Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Measurement, Reporting and Verification Financing Mechanism

Our Motivation:

TOSL is interested in the ongoing works at COPA in particular the identification of technology partners that TOSL can work with, to implement projects with regard to ODS waste destruction in an environmentally sustainable manner or the recycling of ODS. There are also opportunities to work with on legislative framework, which is a key driver for implementing change. Removal or destruction of ODS are linked to reducing carbon emission and there are also opportunities for working with COPA to integrate this with meeting our climate change goals.

About Us:

TOSL is a Trinidad owned and operated engineering services company that has been supporting many industries within the Caribbean for over 41 years. Some of these industries are: Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Food & Beverage, Petrochemical & Process plants, Marine & Shipping, Manufacturing, Communications, Water & Wastewater, Hospitality & Tourism, Construction and Government Development Projects. Our new focus areas of work are in renewable energy systems, energy efficiency projects, waste to energy systems and decarbonisation projects. 

Feel free to visit to learn more about who we are and what we do, or view links below:

Company Brochure: Can be downloaded from our website

Company Video:

PDF Resources:



Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Collection of RAC and Refrigerants Transport of Refrigerants
Research and Development  


Our Motivation:

​IN Consult intend to contribute to COPA in the areas of energy efficiency in RAC Sector & destruction of high GWP refrigerant / blowing agent through national surveys, awareness raising, information and knowledge sharing, preparation of plan HPMPs & KIPs, implementation & technology transfer, verifications and policy & standard setting.

About Us:

IN Consult (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan was established in 1990 and till now has provided consultancy to 400 projects especially in Climate Change Sector. This sector includes the preparation of KIP, preparation & implementation of HPMPs, annual verification audits and national surveys. These projects are undertaken in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The Company has completed assignments for international clients IBRD, UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP, NORAD, GIZ and National clients MoCC, NEECA, WAPDA, MoST, HEC etc. IN Consult has worked in association with KEMA USA, Acres International Canada and Decon Germany. IN Consult has signed a MOU with GIZ for CDM projects under Kyoto Protocol & member of Pakistan German Business Forum.


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Produtction/Destruction Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Recycling company Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
Research and Development Technician Training
Policy Regulation  


Our Motivation:

Our aim to join COPA is to widely publicize the significance and methods of the recycling and utilization of ODS and HFCs refrigerants in China and internationally as well as to  improve people's understanding of refrigerant recycling and reclaimation. Being a member of COPA enables us to learn more about refrigerant recycling methods and precautions, exchange and develop and promote international advanced refrigerant recycling and recycling technologies. We contribute to become a demonstration enterprise of refrigerant recycling in China and the international community so that we can share our advanced experience with everyone in sustainable refrigerant management field.

About Us:

Aohong Chemical was founded in Shanghai in 2000, specializing in the storage, blending, packaging, and recycling of all kinds of refrigerants. It has five bases globally in Shanghai, Taicang, Tianjin, Guangzhou, and Japan, with an annual blending and packaging of over 30000 tons of refrigerants. It is one of the largest refrigerant blending operators in China. Main customers include Sinochem, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Bosch, Panasonic, LG, Samsung, etc. Aohong Chemical "is a pioneer in China's refrigerant recycling and reclaimation industry, starting from Tianjin Aohong in 2012. By the end of 2022, a total of 6000 tons of refrigerant have been recovered, achieving a carbon reduction of 9 million tons. Among them, 1370 tons of refrigerant were recovered in 2022 which makes a great contribution to China's carbon reduction. 


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Production/Destruction Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling
Collection of RAC and Refrigerants Transport of Refrigerants
Formulating emission mitigation targets  



COPA Working Groups:


Our Motivation:

As the world faces climate change, expertise in both the governmental and private sector is important. This requires dissemination tools and training for technology transfer.

About Us:

The Chemical Industry Group, established in 2003, has 155 members from related chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, retailers, transporters, warehouse owners and academia. We have taken measures to ensure Responsible Care in 2008, GHS in 2011 and Dangerous Goods in 2016. We became a member of the Asean Chemical Working Group in 2007, a member of RCLG and APRO in 2011 and a member of the Asean Chemical Industry in 2021. We are also a member of the Global Water Partnership and participated in the drafting of the Precursor Law in 1997 with UNODC, the Chemical Safety Law and the SME Law with the Ministry of Industry.


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Research and Development Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Technician Training Policy Regulations

COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions
  • Financing Mechanisms
  • Implementation Models
Our Motivation:

We have been using refrigerants in the repair and installation of air conditioners since 1989. After learning about the Montreal Protocol, its objectives, and the importance of ozone protection, we began investigating how we could work in Mexico to capture and reduce emissions in our company. Following that, we focused on transferring this knowledge and motivating others by providing training to technicians and raising awareness about emissions among our customers and their networks. We continuously study ways to offer solutions to all refrigerant users in Mexico to help reduce emissions.

About Us:


Since 2007, Silver Breeze has been working with the Montreal Protocol in Mexico on ozone protection and energy-saving projects involving end-of-life appliances. We offer refrigerant recovery and recycling services across Mexico, operating from three strategic locations. We have successfully developed projects with the EPA in Mexico and collaborated with government agencies in Mexico, as well as with companies and organizations in the USA, Europe, and South America, sharing experiences and technologies.

In 2012, we began separating and reclaiming refrigerants and received support from UNIDO to upgrade our laboratory and processes with KF analysis and chromatography.


Activities in ODS & HFC Banks Management

Refrigerant Destruction/Reclamation/Recycling Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Technician Training Transport of Refrigerants
Recycling company                                  Collection of RAC and Refrigerants
COPA Working Groups:
  • Technology Solutions
  • Financing Mechanisms
  • Implementation Models

Who can join?



ODA- as well as non-ODA countries willing to commit to reducing emissions from ODS and HFC banks

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Public Entities

Federal ministries, states and communities and subordinate authorities, as well as implementing organisations of official development cooperations.

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Private Sector

Businesses and consultants in refrigerant production, cooling equipment manufacturing and the recovery, reclamation and destruction facilities for ODS and HFCs banks

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Civil Society

Civil society has a crucial role to play by mobilizing and accelerating change in ODS and HFC banks management

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Representatives from academia and educational fields working on the impact of and research for solutions for ODS and HFC banks

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Financing Institutions

International, regional and national development banks, and interested financing institutions contributing to substantial and cost-efficient GHG mitigation

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