Stay up to date and read about the latest news and updates from the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance. Learn more about successful events, recent achievements and topics that move our members.

Latest COPA news are listed below

09 /2024Online-Event

ODS & HFC Projects Eligibility under Article 6

Thinking about participating in Article 6 with your project but don’t know if you can? COPA got the answer. In an online session on 5th of September 2024, Ayse Frey & Jorge Lujan from Energy Changes presented the results from their study about the Eligibility of ODS/HFC destruction or reclamation projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

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09 /2024News

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women in the Cooling Sector

The refrigeration and air conditioning sector has an increasing role in ensuring sustainable livelihoods, including safe access to food and health. However, women are underrepresented in the sector, with participation ranging from 8-30% in different regions. Being committed to promote gender equality in end-of-life-management of refrigerants, COPA organized two awareness raising workshops in August 2024 for its members.  

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09 /2024News

Call for Ideas

We are excited to share that, thanks to the ideas submitted to COPA, several groundbreaking ideas are now receiving the support they need to move forward. Among these promising initiatives is a study focused on the eligibility of ODS/HFC destruction or reclamation projects under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement that was sent by Energy Changes.

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08 /2024Online-Event

Get ready for finance - Financing for project development

There are many good ideas and technical solutions among the COPA members on how to move towards a sustainable management of ODS and HFC banks. Securing financing for implementing these ideas, e.g. from international donors or climate finance, is not easy. Why is that?
In an online-session on 14th August 2024, Tobias Hunzai, senior sustainable finance expert, shared insights on what project developers can do to make their project and business ideas more “ready” to access financing.

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07 /2024News

How to accelerate the destruction of ODF waste - OEWG46 Side Event on the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance:

Each year, approximately 1.5 Gt CO2-eq are released from improperly managed or disposed refrigerants. This corresponds to the annual greenhouse gas emissions of 441 coal-fired power plants. Currently, neither the Montreal Protocol nor other international agreements address the challenge of accumulating ODS and HFC banks in old cooling equipment. The Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) puts a spotlight on the topic. This side event at OEWG46 in Montreal organized by GIZ Proklima and UNIDO reflected on the important role of COPA as well as on the lessons learned and best practices after two years of its operation. 

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07 /2024News

How to prepare national inventories of ODS banks - Workshop at OEWG46 in Montreal

Almost a hundred participants from 32 developing countries and expert organisations participated in the Fluorocarbon Banks Inventories Workshop in Montreal on July 7, 2024. The workshop sought to familiarize participants with the preparation of national inventories of banks of controlled substances and national plans for management of these substances.

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07 /2024News

Energetic work towards Ozone Protection – Highlights of the second COPA Plenary

51 participants, 16 speakers from around the globe and countless insightful discussions – COPA’s second Plenary Meeting on 18-19 June 2024 was again a great success for all participants! A packed agenda covered two half-days of presentations, including several parallel sessions, with topics ranging from policy, finance, and technology cases, along with updates from COPA Steering Committee, the Secretariat and future outlook at the sustainability opportunities for COPA.

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05 /2024Publication

COPA goes Carbon Markets - new article in Carbon Mechanism Review

Discover how COPA is paving the way for smoother entry into carbon markets while tackling obstacles head-on in our new article published in the Carbon Mechanism Review. 

Click here to read the article.

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05 /2024News

COPA Refrigerant Recovery Training and Gap Analysis in Sierra Leone

Training for refrigeration technicians on the recovery of refrigerants and environmental preservation through responsible practices.

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05 /2024Online-Event

First COPA 101 Series – Carbon Market Introduction

The COPA 101-Series explane the fundamentals of Financing Mechanisms and is hosted by the TWG Financing Mechanisms, moderated by TWG FM Chair Louis Potok.

Read more to view recording. 

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04 /2024Online-Event

Exploring Global Best Practices: COPA’s Virtual Study Tour on Sustainable Refrigerant Management

In the spirit of education through exploration, the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance (COPA) hosted a Virtual Study Tour for its members throughout March and April 2024. This unique initiative aimed to take COPA members on a threefold series of virtual visits to facilities of companies from around the world and sharing their strategies for effectively managing accumulated banks of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) banks. The virtual study tour was supported by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

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04 /2024News

COPA Kick-Off Workshop in Grenada

Grenada kicks off COPA activities with a stakeholder workshop and advances plans to establish the Caribbean region’s first refrigerant recovery and reclamation center.

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04 /2024News

Empowering Master Trainers at Lilongwe Technical College, Malawi

From February 19th to 23rd, 2024, a training of master trainers took place at Lilongwe Technical College in Malawi. The training was jointly conducted by COPA and UNIDO aiming to enhance technical expertise to operate and maintain cooling technologies based on natural refrigerants in Malawi. Six master trainers, of which 3 male and 3 female, underwent intensive sessions covering theoretical insights and practical applications.

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01 /2024Online-Event

COPA Webinar on Financing Refrigerant Management – including Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

On 24th January COPA continued with its activities in 2024 with a webinar about Financing Refrigerant Management – including Article 6 ot the Paris Agreement. The speakers Tilden Chao and Charlie Mayhew from Yale Carbon Containment Lab provided the participants with options to finance lifecycle refrigerant management. 

Click here to view the recording. Click here to see the presentation. 


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01 /2024Online-Event

COPA Webinar on ODS/HFC Reclamation and destruction technologies

On 10th January COPA started its activities in 2024 with a webinar aboutODS/HFC Reclamation and destruction technologies and a review for Articles 5 countries. The speaker Manuel Prieto Garcia from HEAT GmbH provided the participants with insights into the recently published COPA study

“ODS/HFC reclamation and destruction technologies – A review for Article 5 countries”

Click here to view the recording. Click here to see the presentation. 


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12 /2023News

COPA Training in The Gambia: RAC Technicians in Refrigerant Recovery

The Gambia recently completed its inaugural two-day training program for refrigeration technicians, organized by COPA in collaboration with GIZ and the NEA. The initiative emphasizes responsible refrigerant use, climate awareness, and underscores The Gambia's commitment to environmental preservation and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

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12 /2023News

COPA goes COP28 – side event on sustainable ODS and HFC banks management

On 1 December 2023 the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance was introduced to interested participants of the COP28 in Dubai. The side event was organized by GIZ, the COPA secretariat, in the context of the first Montreal Protocol Pavilion at a Conference of Parties. The focus of this side event was to highlight the climate relevance of emission reduction potential by sustainably managing ODS and HFC banks.

Click here to read the presentation. Click here to view the recording. 

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11 /2023Online-Event

COPA Webinar on the potential policy framework for promoting sustainable ODS/HFC bank management

On 27th November COPA started its threefold-webinar series addressing different facets of ODS and HFC banks management, including policy, technology and finance. The webinar focused on the sustainable management of ODS and HFC banks. The speaker Irene Papst from HEAT GmbH explored the results of a newly published study, "Potential Policy Framework for the Promotion of Sustainable ODS/HFC Banks Management".

Click here to see the presentation.

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11 /2023News

COPA on study trip to Germany and Belgium

Strengthening and expanding the network, deepening the knowledge, and getting some practical insights – that’s what the COPA study trip in November was about. COPA members from over 11 countries ranging from National Ozone Office personnel to private companies, academic researchers to financial advisors followed the invitation to Germany and Brussels to learn and jointly advance the holistic solutions needed to sustainably manage and reduce ODS and HFC banks.

Click here to view the study trip report. 


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10 /2023Publication

Potential Policy Framework for the Promotion of Sustainable ODS/HFC Banks Management

This study highlights the need for coordinated global action to address short-lived ODS and HFCs, estimating significant emissions from these substances, and empasizes that strong national policy frameworks can help manage these emissions, contributing to climate targets and ozone layer recovery.

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10 /2023Publication

ODS/HFC Reclamation and Destruction Technologies

This report summarizes information on the conditions, challenges, available technologies,
and current state of ODS/HFC reclamation and destruction practices in Article
5 countries. 

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09 /2023News

World Ozone Day 2023

On 16th of September, the World Ozone Day 2023, we celebrate the achievements of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change.

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09 /2023News

The World Ozone Day and COPA

On World Ozone Day 2023, COPA is celebrating the achievements of the Montreal Protocol and its Kigali Amendment together with the world community.

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07 /2023News

Driving Climate Action Together: Highlights from COPA's 1st Plenary Meeting

65 participants, 11 speakers, 19 countries, 5 thematic sessions – COPA’s first Plenary Meeting from 20th – 21st June 2023 was a great success! The agenda covered policy, finance, and technology cases, along with insightful updates on country activities and a warm welcome to the new Steering Committee.

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06 /2023News

COPA 1st Plenary Meeting and Introduction of the Steering Committee

COPA's first plenary session (online) will be held June 20-21, 2023. for alliance members only.  The objective of this session is to introduce the steering committee, provide an opportunity for our members to connect with each other and finally to present some of the ongoing pilot projects and the progress of the working groups .

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05 /2023Online-Event

Webinar: Sustainable ODS and HFC banks management through complementary action of the Climate Ozone Protection Alliance to the Multilateral Fund

On May 9th, COPA hosted a webinar for National Ozone Officers and representatives of implementing agencies.The aim  was to present COPA's objectives and the efforts of the Multilateral Fund (MLF) to address ODS and HFC banks, and to identify COPA’s synergies with the MLF funded action on ODS and HFC banks management.

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05 /2023Publication

New publication on how to conduct an inventory of used or unwanted controlled substances: ODS and HFC Banks

On May 9, 2023, the updated version of the Guideline to Conduct an Inventory of Used or Unwanted Controlled Substances: ODS and HFC banks was released. in the framework of the webinar: Sustainable ODS and HFC banks management through complementary action of the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance to the Multilateral Fund, it was officially announced

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05 /2023Online-Event


On 3rd May 2023the second meeting of the thematic working group (TWG) on technology solutions for ODS and HFC recovery, reclamation and destruction took place. 

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11 /2022Online-Event

COP27 Side Event

On 12 November 2022 the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance was introduced to interested participants of the Conference of Parties in Sharm el-Sheikh. The hybrid event was organized by GIZ with kind support from EIA and IETA, initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.



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11 /2022Event

MOP34 Side Event: Shedding light on a blind spot through the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance

On 2 November 2022 the Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance was presented to interested participants of the Meeting of the Parties in Montreal. The event was jointly organized by UNDP, UNIDO, Tradewater, and GIZ, who are all members of the Alliance, initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

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09 /2022Online-Event

Vir­tu­al Soft Launch of the Cli­ma­te and Ozone Pro­tec­tion Al­li­an­ce

On 21 July 2022, around 160 participants, representing different countries and organizations, took part in the virtual COPA soft launch.

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08 /2022News

Kick-off meeting COPA in Ghana

On 27.07.2022 the kick-off meeting for COPA in Ghana took place as a physical workshop.

The aim of this workshop was to introduce COPA to the relevant local stakeholders and to discuss potential ways of organizing ODS destruction in Ghana.

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05 /2022Online-Event

Innovate4Climate Workshop: Raising GHG mitigation ambition in the cooling sector

On May 26, 2022 at 12:10 pm (EST) a virtual workshop was held on: Raising greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation ambition in the cooling sector by aligning Montreal Protocol and Paris Agreement agenda. The workshop was part of the agenda of the annual Innovate4Climate (I4C) conference.

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05 /2022News

Technology Solutions Working Group

GIZ and UNIDO launched the 1st Thematic Working Group (TWG) under the COPA initiative, focusing on technology solutions for ODS and HFC recovery, reclamation and destruction.

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11 /2021Event

Event recording

Event recording | COP26 Online Event: Mitigation Potential of F-Gas Banks Management and Options for Market-based Approaches

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